Microwave Industry
We are leading manufacturer and Distributor of microwave main components (MGT, HVT, HVC & HVD) and system (Microwave Drying, Heating, Thawing, Sterilization, Vulcanization, Plasma and lighting) worldwide. Our world-class products speak for themselves in terms of overall quality, innovation and performance. This is a direct result of our continuous investment and accumulated technologies that are designed with the customer in mind.
World - Class Project Developer and manager
H.K. Industry Co., LTD, especially this year 2007, provides a Total Solution organizing contractor and functions such as consultation, EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction), finances, investment, Risk Management, Off-take and O&M (Operating & Maintenance) to receive project orders mainly in the areas of Portable Power Station (0.8-6.8 Mw), Power Plant, Industrial Facility, infrastructure, Shipbuilding and ship conversion and IT. In addition, we consult the investment and operation projects for the SOC (power plants, harbors, water treatment, sewerage) projects in many countries.
Metal business
As for the metal business, we are planning to deal in major nonferrous metals (electrolytic copper, aluminum, lead, tin and others), sand rare metals thru Russia, Ukraine and Africa for import /Export and trilateral trading . H.K. Industry is planning to foster the business of exploration of natural resources into a company core business to support the nation¡¯s economic development through a stable and timely supply of natural resources and energy which are the source of the development of a nation¡¯s industry.
M & A Business
H.K. Industry Co., LTD is making efforts to synergize its business and raise its corporate value through the M&A of promising overseas & domestic companies utilizing its experience in the operation of various international projects, strong global networks and superior human resources.
H.K. Industry Co., LTD will have microwave components and system business as one of its core businesses and explore new business areas such as Metal, Generator and M &A business in order to become a world-class expert Microwave company and Project Developer.